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A joint multi criteria - cost benefit analysis for project selection on smart grids

M. Troncia, N. Chowdhury, F. Pilo, I.M. Gianinoni

AEIT International Annual Conference - AEIT 2018, Bari (Italia). 03-05 octubre 2018


Techno-economic assessment methodologies are fundamental tools both for defining strategic policies and for selecting the worthy investment options. Since smart grid transition and the increasing demand for novel decision support tools, a joined Multi Criteria - Cost Benefit Analysis (MC-CBA) is presented in this paper. The aim is to provide an assessment framework for smart grid projects which considers monetary and non-monetary impacts. The joint approach is proposed for outclassing the weaknesses of both CBA and MCA by emphasizing their strengths. The MC-CBA framework is employed for identifying the best option among a set of active network distribution planning alternatives. The monetisation of all impacts is not required; hence, the MC-CBA is suitable for assessing social and technical impacts without introducing any underlying bias. The aim of the proposed MC-CBA is to help companies and government bodies in strategic planning.

Palabras clave: distribution network planning, distributed energy storage, multi-criteria analysis, decision making

DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en AEIT 2018, pp: 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-5386-7071-2

Fecha de publicación: 2018-10-03.

M. Troncia, N. Chowdhury, F. Pilo, I.M. Gianinoni, A joint multi criteria - cost benefit analysis for project selection on smart grids, AEIT International Annual Conference - AEIT 2018, Bari (Italia). 03-05 octubre 2018. En: AEIT 2018: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-5386-7071-2

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